Snow Covered Mountain Under Cloudy Sky

Jesus Christ is King and Savior over all

Night Sky, Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights Effect
Pink Rose Petals on Pink Surface
Portrait of a Beautiful lion, lion in the dark

About the Author

Faith E. Wolfe is an adventure romance novelist and poet who writes from a Christian worldview. Faith loves writing true love novels set in mystical worlds where love always wins.

When she's not writing, Faith enjoys playing the harp, baking fudge brownies, storyboarding her next novel, and traveling to the theater.

Faith loves sharing who Jesus Christ is. She supports Namibia Africa through intercessory prayers. When the weather is right you'll catch her hiking glaciers or traveling down inside volcanos.

Her favorite drink is peppermint hot coco with pink heart shaped marshmallows.

Declaration of Faith

A Green Aurora

Declaration of Faith

Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

1 Corinthians 9:19, NLT: Even though I am a free man with no master, I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ.

Romans 13:8, ESV: Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

Snow Covered Mountain Under Cloudy Sky

Fare of The Earth Series- MG Adventure series where five environmental students find out they are actually superheros wearing the armour of God.

  • Book 1: Fare of The Earth A Blue Diamond
  • Book 2: Fare of The Earth The Rose
  • Book 3: Fare of The Earth Heart of Stone
  • Book 4 Fare of The Earth Killer Beez
  • Book 5 Fare of The Earth Heart of Flesh

Silver Wings Saga- A three book adult romance novel series set in Iceland between an elf named Einara and a troll named Ephron. They want to be together against all odds, but something dark is standing in their way- Shadow Creatures.

  • Book 1: Silver Wings Saga - A tale of trolls, fairies, and strange things
  • Book 2: Silver Wings Saga - The Truth Seeker, The Promise Keeper
  • Book 3: Silver Wings Saga - Good Kings vs. Bad Kings

Beauty After The Betrayal- Abigail Hastings has a life plan, until everything around her starts changing in a strange way. She learns she has a destiny, a purpose. Now Abigail has a choice to make between Dane and Liam - one leads to destiny, the other to destruction.

Wind in The Leaves- A small collection of poems written for Scotland and the love of their land. The writer transferred the writings into Scots Gallic to support Scotland's Heritage of the dying language.

Fareie Tayles - The first in this series, a collection of Scottish Christmas tales on true love.

Rainbow and Me-A short children's book on God's rainbow eucalyptus trees and the love He has for all children.

Tales from the Garden- Children’s book on a family of dragon fruit dragons. Destiny discovers her true life’s purpose, bravery.

Oahu and Kai’s Great Adventure - A turtle name Kai goes on an adventure in the great island of Oahu.

Night Sky, Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights Effect
Fagradalsfjall volcanic eruption, Iceland
Snow Covered Mountain Under Cloudy Sky
Night Sky, Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights Effect


Dyslexia is my hidden superpower - children’s book on ​why dyslexia is so cool.

Peter Hallelujuah - children’s book on a Bernese moutain ​dog and his adventures finding his best friend.

Roses for Peace - war decree prayer journal for woman of ​th​e ​f​a​ith.

Night Sky, Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights Effect
Fagradalsfjall volcanic eruption, Iceland

Dyslexia & Neurodiversity

If you're different, if the world says you don't fit in anywhere- know that you do. You are the salt of the earth.

Dysleixa is a gift. It's a different ability. God doesn't make mistakes. You have a purpose, you have a destiny- and what the world calls dyslexia, it's such another word for God's superheros.

Dyslexia is a part of the neurodiversity makeup that creates unique minds in the world.

Environmental Policy News

Faith supports Namibia Africa through intercessory prayers. The peoples of Namibia Africa do not have enough clean drinking water or food. Please help where you can, and if financials aren't a method- prayer is always answered. I have a prayer page for decrees in Jesus's name for these people, and their water crisis. With climate change, that area will become drier and drier which impacts food supplies- the people there need prayer. Fare of The Earth book series was written to bring awareness to these people, and their water crisis through sharing knowledge on the ringwoodite stone.

A Little Nudge
Lined Wireframe Landscape Frame

Intercessroy Prayers

Namibia Flag
Lined Wireframe Small Landscape Frame

Namibia Flag

Namibia Flag

Namibia Grasslands and Rivers

We pray and decree in Jesus Christ's almighty name that you send rain Father God to the grasslands, that you replenish their rivers and streams. That their harvest baskets overflow with abundance of food, of crops, of water. Amen.

Intercessory Prayers

Geometric Lion Head

Namibia Government

We pray and decree in Jesus Christ's almighty name that you life leaders into positions of government in Namibia Africa who will lead the people to victory on their water crisis and impending food shortage due to climate changes. Amen.

Namibia for The Poor and Oppressed

We pray and decree in Jesus's mighty name for all of Africa and Namibia that the poor and oppressed be released from the enemy's hold. That God rises mighty warriors of faith to led the people, restoring their crops, water, and fields back. That The Lord removes those innocent children working the fields mining for cobalt. Amen.

- May the Will of The Father be done on the earth forever and ever!

Faith holds a masters degree in Public Policy Environmental Water Focus

 Rainbow Rays
 Rainbow Rays
 Rainbow Rays
 Rainbow Rays

Jesus Christ is the gate, He is the way and the path. Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

F.E.W Testimony

For the first will be the last and the last will be the first. So many are called, yet so few chosen.

God takes the small things and He makes them strong to show His mighty will, His mighty ability. It's why He says the ants are a people not strong, yet they know how to gather. My testimony is this:

I called out to Jesus and said I have nothing, no life plan, no place to go for the world sees me not. And He answered me back; He said I have a job for you, would you like to do it? He said you will become a writer for Me. I laughed and said, how could I ever be a writer- I cannot spell. And He said, you will. In the coming weeks after that conversation I began to see images of my characters in my stories. They were like movies playing in my head, I wrote the scripts for them.

Jesus is my best friend. He was with me when no one else saw me, He believed in me when no one else did, and I want to give my life to serving Him- because He could have left me behind; instead He gave me a job. He moved hearts of leaders around me to give me full funding for a masters degree in Public Policy, He filled my mind with the ideas for my books, He chaminponed me when others around me told me I would fail. He took care of me and always found a way for me even with no title on the earth. He has always been my strongest supporter, my coach, and my parent.

Even when I was ready to quit, He said please don't, you can do it. I will love Him forever for it. I believe in The One who is invisible because He saved me. He rescued me when everyone else around me passed me off as invisible.

Love, The F.E.W.

 Rainbow Rays



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For the first will be last and the last will be first, so many called yet so few chosen! Selah!!!! -

Parable of The Day Laborer

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